To start off this blog I would like to quote qhat Mike Blow said at the beginning of the session:
"The work changes you and you change the work..."
This is a great quote to conisder in the design of my interactive project, especially considering that I am creating an interactive piece which is immersive and involves gettting improved feedback within the interaction, so you actually feel the piece, rather than just see it. This relates to a lot of my previous research, including the science museum's simluators and my research into "haptic" i.e. feel and touch.
I managed to have a quick chat with Mike Blow about the current interactive project and laid down some of the following ides for my final design / product:
- An Interactive Immersive Gym Experience
- Using Immersive Interactivity and Virtual Environments I hope to digitally enhance the interactive experience of using gym equipment
- For example, running on a treadmill could be enhanced so it feels like your running through a meadow (using simluation simliar to that seen in the Sim-Ex Simulator in the Science Museum).
Mike and I then discussed that using technologies such as Accelerometers could really improve the interaction, for example when riding a bike you have a sense of steering and this could be easily incorporated into a standard bike workout, see previous blog post).
He then introduced me to a more artistic reference and piece by Jeffrey Shaw (also researched earlier in blog) called 'The Distributed Legible City':

I can definately use this piece as a huge influence towards my final design and has really opened my eyes to the world of immersive interactivity.
Research Plan:
- Accelerometers used in gym equipment (Treadmills have constrained movements unlike Bikes).
- Physcology of sport and fitness (working harder in competitive environments, does music affect work rate, does visuals affect work rate etc.)
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