We were given a Handout by Simon Morse (Visitor coming in on Thursday this week) which at a glance looks like his theory on how technology is becoming over complicated. To the right is an image of one of his products, or if you like his "view of the future", showing how technology is becoming almost over-complex.
As a user we cannot possibly use this equipment, its functionability is completed non user-friendly.
But this is an interesting concept! Will the future bring over complex and ridiculous designs!?
This clearly relates to our brief "Design Futures" and I have included this into my sketchbook.
You can see more of Simon Morse Work by visiting http://www.simonmorse.co.uk/.
Dan Mellor - Freelance Designer (Mainly 3D / After Effects)
Dan was a guest speaker in today's session, he is a freelance designer and has a very respectable portfolio / show reel.
There were many interesting pieces of work and points that he made in his lecture, the main points I gathered from his talk were:
1) When working for Now.Com in 1999, Dan helped the company come up with a new venture - to create internet and TV together online. Today we see this type of technology all around the internet but 8 years ago this idea was too ahead of it's time due to the lack of fast internet (broadband).
2)When carrying out the viral marketing campaign for 'The Object', this again was ahead of its time because this type of marketing wasn't really accesible to the general public. This reminds me of the great Leonardo Da Vinci whose sketches seemed utterly ludicrous during his era, however today they seem completely feasible.
3) Tips for being a freelancer:
When doing any project / job, organsiation is the key and try to back up all your work. Factor the cost of software into any job and the company should tend to pay for this as they have to stick to strict deadlines. Keep up-to-date with technology and read magazines such as Computer Arts and 3D World so you see recent design issues. Never undersell yourself as this undervalues the industry and your work.
Quite an amazing project and I recommend you visit the website for a better explanation on the sheer size and awe inspiring scale of this project.
I wont go into too much detail about this project but it inspired me with another idea / presentation for our Design Futures Brief:
INTERACTIVE BILLBOARDS? The audience and general public found this piece to be very exciting and intriguing because they felt they were part of this project (being in a Brighton Street). If Billboards were interactive would this make people more intrigued and therefore be an excellent Advertising / marketing tool!? SEE MORE OF THIS RESEARCH IN MY SKETCHBOOK...
For the rest of the day I have continued with my research and my sketchbook has some interesting and well presented ideas within it. I feel very fixated on the idea of an "interactive newspaper" but wish to eliminate other thoughts and ideas that are confusing matters at present.
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