I have two to three major ideas consisting of:
1) Inspired from the London 2012 logo (image right) and looking at typography, logo design and viral marketing, I feel that one route I am interesting in studying is how any publicity is good publicity.
The 2012 logo has been highly criticised and the fact the near £400,000 has been spent on it has caused even more controversy.
To be fair, when studying the other not so original logo designs (CLICK THIS LINK) I can see why the judges went with this one.
I also found these very intersting articles as well:
http://www.digitalthread.com/webdesign/promotional_design/london_2012_oly.php - DIGITAL THREAD ARTICLE
http://www.davidairey.com/london-2012-olympic-logo-disaster/ - DAVID AIREY ARTICLE
http://www.wolffolins.com/ - THE DESIGNERS OF THE LONDON 2012 LOGO
http://www.wolffolins.com/pdf/2012_case_study.pdf - WOLF OLINS DESIGN CASE STUDY ON THE 2012 LOGO
http://www.designobserver.com/archives/025852.html - THE LONDON 2012 LOGO ATE MY HAMSTER!?
Wolf Olins are the designers of the London 2012 logo, if you study there website you we see that they have worked on iconic landmarks and projects such as the Tate Modern, Sony Ericsson, Macmillan Cancer Research and more. This company have already branded London, so why not use them for the largest global event to hit London for years - the olympics of course.
My idea for the end of year project would look into various factors involved with "good" or "bad" design, what gives a logo publicity? Any publicity is good publicity, no matter how much people dislike or like a design.
Maybe my task is to create a logo / viral marketing campaign that is simple, effective but open to easy criticisim like the 2012 logo.
2) The second idea I have is based on the Sonic War Games concept seen at Transmediale 08 - Club Transmediale earlier this year in Berlin (image below).
The artist behind this concept is Xavier Van Wersch...
The concept is basically an arena where the battle for audibility is raging. It is described on the website as:
"Musical gladiators engage in a contrapuntal combat with an arsenal of electronic weaponry. Sonic Espionage, in-filtration, atonal behaviour and hostile overdubs, its a full spectrum attack..."
Competitors within the game vote for each other whilst strange noises and samples are looped continuously between them. I found it hard to understand this concept at first but eventually saw its potential.
My idea for the end of year exhibtion would be simliar but more simple, maybe incorporating visuals into the battle as well. I would probably practice with a group of VJ's and fellow DJ's to make this work for the exhibition, making it more of a show than a competition. I would also try to ensure more rhythm and opportunity for people to dance, nod their heads or tap their toes is available. This severly lacked at the war games seen at Transmediale, there was no rhythm, rather strange loops and noises which anti-climaxed and never actually burst into a tune or beat.
My task is to create rhythm, create a visual / audio battle and to allow opportunity to bring this into future projects involving DJing and VJing.
So theres my two ideas, I need to decide which, what, where and how...
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