These are the words stated on the latest advert for the Tony Hawkes Computer Console Game - Proving Ground. This perfectly sums up what I was talking about in the previous post in this blog (Control and Technological Adaptation - 5th December).
The user is the creator of everything, the environment, the character, the skateboard etc. Every little detail can be modified and the user has full control over the interaction. This type of theory can be seen behind such texts as:
Roland Barthes - Death Of The Author
P.David Marshall - Forms Of Interactivity (Chapter 2 - Disappearance of the Audience)
Give the user of a gym machine complete control, we already see a lot available interactive material in various gyms e.g. change speed, gradient, watch television etc. (See images below).
I could add more interaction as discussed in my earlier blog (chat with tutors), for example including immersive material such as virtual environments enhancing peoples experience (as learnt from the science museums simulators.)
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