Sunday, 30 December 2007
Friday, 28 December 2007
"Cinema is the art of illusion, yet it dictates its laws to life itself"
Image above - Example of Stalins use of film
Stalin's Image in film - Click Here
Thursday, 27 December 2007
Monday, 24 December 2007
Sunday, 23 December 2007
"I AM LEGEND" is a great example of the effect of digital technology on film, we can clearly tell the difference and improvements of modern technology in comparison to the classic "THE OMEGA MAN". Digital enhancements in film is one of the main areas of research for my dissertation so I feel this is a great reference as it contains both traditional and contemporary examples of film.
Another area of research in relation to my dissertation is looking at post-modern perspectives and this era's effect on soceity and media. In relation to this I have referenced The Simpons episode "THE HOMEGA MAN", a comical remake of THE OMEGA MAN and excellent example of post modern perspectives such as parody or pastiche.

Thursday, 20 December 2007
These are the words stated on the latest advert for the Tony Hawkes Computer Console Game - Proving Ground. This perfectly sums up what I was talking about in the previous post in this blog (Control and Technological Adaptation - 5th December).
The user is the creator of everything, the environment, the character, the skateboard etc. Every little detail can be modified and the user has full control over the interaction. This type of theory can be seen behind such texts as:
Roland Barthes - Death Of The Author
P.David Marshall - Forms Of Interactivity (Chapter 2 - Disappearance of the Audience)
Give the user of a gym machine complete control, we already see a lot available interactive material in various gyms e.g. change speed, gradient, watch television etc. (See images below).
I could add more interaction as discussed in my earlier blog (chat with tutors), for example including immersive material such as virtual environments enhancing peoples experience (as learnt from the science museums simulators.)
I have been trying to contact Luciana Haill about experimenting with the IBVA some more and again focusing my research on immersive interaction, here is the most recent email I received and I hope to go into more detail after the New Year:
Dan ! Yes I am interested in recording as many different types of specialist skills, ive not had a gymnastic or aerobic EEG yet if strapped down well enough to head and body to avoid "too much Shake" on the hardware this could be possible which is why Tai Chi, Qi qong are more suitable to record for me, more gentle. and IBVA with djing has been done a lot of course, and you can add interactivity with IBVA controlling VJ like i use when i perform this is done through ibva software and quartz composer -using the IBVA whilst DJing / Mixing or Producing music, it would be fascinating to see what brain waves are triggered!
yes, YMO used it to remix an album.. raves and hollywood lighting operators use it to add to their effects/
Maybe we should arrange to meet up in New year, so test some things ? thanks for your interest.Keep in touch
NB/ More evidence of this in skethcbook
Tuesday, 18 December 2007
On Monday 17th December i decided to go up to London to visit as many museums and galleries as I could in response to this interactive design project.
The Museum / gallery that I mainly concentrated on was the Science Museum, this is because the majority of this museum is highly interactive and I wanted to get some inspiration and influence towards the final design of my interactive project.
I took many photographs and notes wherever I saw anything that could have related to this project or my research for this current and future projects. This particular blog is dedicated to my trip to the Science Museum and my notes are included accordingly to the photographs I took, this also is included within my sketchbook showing more evidence of my primary research:Into the Museum:
So as I walked into the Science Museum the first thing I noticed was this huge metallic arc.
It appeared that the purpose of this arc was to portray questions and answers that various people have asked concerning the vast world of science. The questions and answers circulate within the arc's pixelated narrow screen and the sheer size of this installation makesyou feel a sense of awe.
Deeper into the science museum; similar installations to this arc (with questions and answers) stand out amongst other artworks. The image to the left shows a towering version of the arc installation which creeps up the entire height of the museum so it can be seen on every floor.
What I found interesting about these installations in relation to our project is that the public can ask questions and give answers to each other. This is similar to the type of interactivity you can find on an online forum, the main difference being that the information is portrayed on a towering interactive installation. It made me think that people might pay more attention to things if they have presence and that people want to be part of something that everyone can see or notice e.g. art installations. Does this prove how vain we are?Models:
Throughout the museum and in many different galleries are sculptures and models that are ment to refer to a particular time and place in history.
This model environment is of nazi warfare and using a simliar approach to my Origam-E idea (see design futures project) I considered how these could be made interactive (or come to life). In order to get a true sense of the atmosphere that the model environemnt is trying to portray, then surely making these environments interactive is the next step forward. This refers to what I was saying about immersive interaction in the previous blog (action plan for christmas).I took a similar approach to this life size sculpture of the moon-landing. It would be wonderful to enhance the users experience of this sculpture, for example adding extra effects and realism - like your actually there.
This approach to immersive interaction is an interesting one, it is all about improving the users experience, giving them something new and exciting.Surveillance:
Surveillance and security is being improved everyday, we have the potential to visit any area of the world via satellite e.g. Google Earth. We can also see evidence of making a completey 3d environment with which you can fly-over in google earth. My main question conercning surveillance is how will this be made more interactive? With the help of HD and high quality imagery we can get fully proffesional images of wherever we want in the world, bringing you closer to the action via a sense of realism and immersion. My idea in relation to this project is that we will be able to put ourselves in a fully virtual environment (via a VR headset) and literally select where we want to go in the world and visit that place in a matter of seconds. Im sure this sounds familiar...Ah yes,The Matrix Films...Hands - On Galleries:
To be honest the whole of the science museum is interactive, however the basement (hands-on galleries) gives the public an opportunity to get involved with the art pieces as physically as possible.
Because education is made interactive in these galleries, it definately improves the experience and I saw many younger children truely amazed by what they saw and played around with. This opened my eyes to how effective interactivity is, not just in the digitial world, but in the real (physical) world too.Interactive Timetables:
These type of educational learning timetables are a really good way to grav peoples attention. Using both digital and physical examples of the topic being discussed made me consider how I could incorporate this into my project and bring the interactive side away from the screen and into the physical world e.g. via sensors and hardware discussed in my sketchbook and earlier in this blog (credit to Mike Blow and Rona Innes for explaning how this could be possible!)Installation - The Human Body:
In relation to my current action plan (sport and fitness, improving workout experiences etc.) this piece inspired me. It would be nice to see how exactely your body improves after a workout session. Using a simliar perspective to this piece, a person could watch their muscles grow (inch by inch) and get a detailed 3D analysis of the workout and its improvements to the persons physical AND cognitive state. Along with the immersive interactivity included e..g virtual environments to run in, this would truely improve the persons will power to come back to the gym as they can see that they are improving their mind and body which isn't obvious at first but more clear with the interactive piece I am proposing in this in this project.Pattern Pod:
A hands-on gallery that was created especially for children from 5–8 years of age and their parents.
Like scientists, children explore the world by trying to make predictions about events happening around them. It’s often easier to makethese predictions if these events repeat themselves or if there is a pattern to them.
Using truly amazing multi-sensory exhibits this contemporary gallery looks at the many types of patterns in the world around us and encourages children to recognise and copy patterns – or create entirely new ones of their own. Like the other interactive galleries in the Museum, Pattern Pod also encourages learning through play and exploration, enabling children to develop key science skills in a fun and stimulating way.
There’s something for grown-ups too with touch-screen displays giving fascinating insights into the science behind the exhibits and the ways in which children play and learn.
As neither an adolescent or parent I coulnd't go into this exhibtion, but at a glance I thought this was a simliar concept to the Drawn piece by Zachary Lieberman (see blog post wednesday 5th December) and my research on interactive drawings.The Who Am I? Gallery:
Within this gallery is a variety of different interactive pieces. As you walk in you come across a projection of lips that ask the questions portrayed on a narrow screen e.g. Are you unique?
At first I thought I had to answer the questions (thus interacting with the piece) and being in a questionable and curious mood I admit to embarrassingly speaking out loudin response to the questions being asked. Of course, nothing happened but it would have been a true experience to actualy communicate and interact with a piece like this, something I have considered for this project.Venturing further into this gallery I came across various interactions that are ment to be educational and exciting. There were many different interactive touch screen pieces and I managed to use some of them. One of them I used was the memory game (image below left). This game asked you to pick a face to remember for 10 seconds, afterwards you had to try and piece together the face using a blank canvas for a face and tools for each facia
l component e.g gair, mouth, eyebrows etc.
Your score was then given as a percentage to see how well you remembered the face.
Another thing I noticed about these interactive pieces is that you could email yourself the results, images or imformation available on each piece. This made me think that this extends the perceptual boundaries of interactivity and shows how imporant communication is.
The Email:
So I sent myself an email of one of the interactive pieces, the Age maniuplator:
Dear Sir/Madam,On 16/12/2007 we received a request to email you a picture from our exhibit "Ageatron". The picture is attached to this mail.You have not been subscribed to a mailing list and will receive no further emails from the museum. However, if you would like to subscribe to our monthly newsletter click here: newsletter lets you find out about events, special offers from sciencemuseumstore, new features on the website and future exhibitions.
The image that was sent was:As you can see I look a lot older, the interactive piece I used manipulated my face to look many years older. I thought this was a magnificent piece but the results quite worrying!
There were so many different forms of interactive material within the who am I gallery in the science museum. There were two others that I found very interesting and related to Luciana Hayle's IBVA Machine. These were the voice pattern game and the eye scan pattern game; both of these games ment that you either spoke or scanned your eye into the sensor on the interactive exhibited. Once you spoke or scanned your voice or eye, a visual representation (pattern) was portrayed on the screen (just like the visual representation given off in on the IBVA Machine).Gary Hill:
If you are familiar with the work of Gary Hill you will know he is
mostly a video installation artists and always plays around with the conceptual boundaries of interaction via the moving image.
It was refreshing to see a familiar prestigious artists work in the science museum. I have considered creating a video installation for this project earlier on this blog so I was excited to see the work Gary Hill during my gallery visits!
Switches and Sensors:
This is a section in the basement gallery of the museum, I thought this directly related to my research on sensors and swtiches (making interaction happen via other means than just a keypress).In-Future Gallery (Interactive Projections):
This section of the gallery had some wonderful visions of the future and I wish I visited this for the previous project (Design Futures).
The main features of this section was the interactive projections. The images you can see portray tables which approximately 1-6 people can sit around and play games, learn and educate however you want.
Having such a modern(futuristic) way of interaction in this gallery related well to the theme of "the future" but also made me think how else projections can be made interactive! I have already done a lot of research into this which is covered throughout my blog.
The Secret Life Of The Home:
Situated in the basement gallery, the secret life of home gave a historical tour of the average home. You also are able to see how styles, materials, technology and changes in society have influenced the design and use of gadgets and appliances over time.
Every example and appliance relied on interactivity of the audience and I found this whole gallery quite a fun and inspiring experience.
This image of the electric motors is a good example of the various interactive pieces in this gallery, as you can see there are all sorts of buttons and switches to play around on, generally with the exhibit asking you to complete a game in relation to what you could see in the glass case.
Computer Games ( A History Of interaction):
This section of the secret life of home was a wonderful experience and really brought back some memories. There was even an opportunity to play the traditional game of "Pong" (see image below left).
It was amazing to see how far technology and computing has come from these basic forms of entertainment. It could be nice idea to create an interactive project which portrays the history of interaction e.g. modern vs old. In response to this, here is a link to a modern game of 3D pong.
Materials Gallery (Touch, feel, sense):
This Gallery was just as interactive as the others, however I came across this particular exhibited. This is basically a line of different materials which you had to feel and guess what type of material each line consists off. This brought back thoughts about the idea of touch.Touch is an important area of interaction, via this sense we can monitor and measure a huge range of different temperatures, textures and more. Refer to my sketchbook for more on this subject.
Plastics (Temporary Exhibtion):
Although this section didn't really relate to this project, I did come across more interactive pieces and also this image (left). I had to include this because it related to one of my favourite artists of all time. Pablo Picasso's - "Le Taureau" and his work with Painting with Light.I experimented with painting with light during a vast majority of my A-Level Course in Photography.
I also found an interesting article on painting with light using digital design programs such as Adobe Photoshop - Click here.
The Simluators - Immersive Interaction
I visited three of the simulators in the science museum, I thought this was a great way to research immersive interaction and focus my mind on enhancing a users experience in an interactive piece or as the brief states: "Extendthe perceptual boundaries of interactivity". I used three of the simulators, these were:
- The SIM EX Simluator Ride ( image above) - Immersive air, water and seat vibration effects on this state-of-the-art motion simulator. Step aboard for any of our exciting missions and you could be feeling the breath of a dinosaur on your neck or the impact of an explosion in space for an experience so real you could almost be there! This experience was amazing and really made me think how I could incorporate this into my interactive project!
2. The Motion Ride Simluators - Defy your senses as you step into this movie house with a difference….and suddenly find yourself in the cockpit of a Harrier Jump Jet.
3. The Imax 3D Cinema - A completey 3D immersive experience, I really felt like I was there. I decided to watch the movie "3D Sea Monsters" due to the time of the day and rush I was in to see the other museums (see later blog on V & A Museum).
Out of everything I explored in the science museum, I felt that these simluators were the most influencial. This is because:
- I am concentrating on Immersive Interaction.
- I want to enhance the interactive experience of going to the gym via new ways of immersive interaction (simliar to these simulators).
Summary of Science Museum Visit:
Altogether the Science Museum was a truely worthwhile visit, i have gained a lot more influences and inspiration and I feel a more comfortable with the direction I am heading in for this project. More of my research on the Science Museum can be seen in my sketchbook and you can see any ideas generated (in diagrams / sketches) from this visit and the various galleries so you can understand the perspective I am coming from.
I also had a quick look around the Victoria And Albert Museum (V & A) which can be seen in the next blog.
Friday, 14 December 2007
Thursday, 13 December 2007
Micheal and I had a discussion about my current ideas and by the end of the chat I aimed to narrow down my research and focus on a particular idea. My reasons for this is to keep organised and manage my time efficiently before the up-coming deadlines for our dissertation (draft by 17th Jan 08) and this interactive project (deadline 18th Jan 08).
The following ideas were discussed:
- Gestures & Body Language (see previous blogs)
- Relation to Luciana's IBVA product
- What brain waves are given off when making gestures.
- Communication via body language and gestures - How interactive is this?
- Are athletes mentally functioning differently to the general public (relation to IBVA).
- Gym Equipment - We control how we work out e.g. speeds, weights etc.
- Immersive Interaction (Virtual Environments for Sport and Gym Training)
- Individual Media use in the Gym (What do people use e.g. Ipods, how can this be improved?)
- Consider your own customisable gym!?
- How does music affect people performance? (look into techniques such as playing powerful music before big matches and gym workouts)
- Look at digital forms of sport e.g. Nintendo Wii Sports.
- Working out is all about Feedback, just like Interactivity.
- How have gyms changed over the last few years? (refer to Micheal using traditional cycling equipment etc.)
As you can probably see from the amount of input included into my sport and health research, and being a keen gymnast and sport fanatic, I feel this is the best route to take.
I then decided to clarify my ideas and discussion I had with Micheal with Dan Pryde Jarman. I was told that Dan is also a keen gym user and this seemed very appropriate.
To come up with a sport or health interactive solution at this time of year seems like a good idea, this is because people seem to become extremely health conscious and aim to set New Years resolutions relating to their health or fitness. To prove this here are some links:
- NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS - Kimberly & Albrecht Powell,
As you can see, fitness is an important new years resolution for many people, this is why the idea of a new interactive product for fitness and health seems like a good route to take.
But how can I make people stick to their new years health and fitness resolutions?
Obviously this is relation to the world of interactivity, my main thoughts on this are that people tend to go the gym only for a short period after the New Year and never continue, is it because they are not seeing any immediate results or getting enough feedback!?
If so then I need to come up with a interactive product that explains to the user how they have benefited from the workout / fitness session as soon as possible.
Another way to enhance their experience at the gym and to make them come back is to make the environment more exciting. This could relate to immersive interactivity and people could use a particular machine in a virtual, fun yet challenging world e.g.
- Running Machine - Racing someone, running through a meadow / lovely environment
- Rowing Machine - Feels Like your rowing on water, in a race, being chased etc.
- Punching Bag - Feels like your fighting someone (maybe even digital versions of real boxers e.g. Ricky Hatton, Mike Tyson).
- Swimming - Virtual Goggles, swimming with fishes and beatufil sealife etc.
So these are some initial thoughts and I guess the emphasis is on getting a sense of accomplishment every time you visit the gym.
It is also clear that people are willing to pay a lot to go to a gym (THE GUARDIAN GYM MEMBERSHIP ARTICLE - CLICK HERE) and from my personal experience people are probably prepared to pay even more, especially if digital enhancements are included.
So to summarise my reserach action plan for this project and christmas period:
- A New interactive experience for gym users, health and fitness.
- Immersive Interaction in sport and fitness.
- Quicker Graitification and Sense of Accomplishment.
- Digital Enhancements in sport and fitness.
Luciana Haill is Neuro Feedback Artist (measuring brain activity) and after getting a background degree in Fine Art, she has experimented in using medical equipment to produce art
How does she measure brain activity?
Mainly via an IBVA machine and the mind force software she designed(see image right), consisting of two channels which record the left and right side of the brain. She has used this for approximately 14 Years and has watched the development from radio wave IBVA's (prone to interference from other electronical devices) to blue tooth IBVA's (less interference, better quality).
With the use of IBVA, Luciana proposed that this cut off approximately a year of her product research due to this technology, emphasizing the importance of this device.
Here are some pointers on this product:
- IBVA monitors brain waves
- Mind force software portrays visuals in relation to brain waves (3D and 2D Visuals)
- Measures brain waves in microvolts
- Muscle movements are inevitable but it is generally clear when a movement is made.
- You could even record dreams, thoughts.
- Your brain waves could be uploaded to a server (online) which can be picked up by anyone else in the world with internet.
- COMMUNICATING BRAIN WAVES - Maybe connecting something like an arduino board to the computer receiving the signals which could control other external things e.g. LED's in a room etc.
- The IBVA has been tested on plants and leaves to record biometric data e.g. Yuka plant used to record events in the stock exchange!
- Using an IBVA in a Live DJ/Music setup - brain waves affected by various music (tempo's etc.)
- Similar to the idea above but instead connect the IBVA to everyone in the crowd (in time IBVA's will be smaller) who's reactions to music trigger images on a projection in a rave, club, bar etc.
- Sport & Fitness - Connecting an IBVA to a person working out or exercising. How does brain waves change throughout workout, also how can this enhance your workout!? Visuals maybe triggered when your brain realises you are exercising, enhancing the workout experience.
I have emailed Luciana asking for some more feedback in relation to this interactive design brief.
She also gave us some extremely inspirational links to various artists and designers she has been inspired by or encountered, these are:
1) Mariko Mori - Links below
New York / Japanese Artist who used tranquil photography and manipulation. Famous for her UFO piece (see right for image).
2) Anna Dimitriu - Bio Tracking
3) Neurosky
- Brain waves and Sega!?
- Check out the link for more...
All these can be seen in more detail in my sketchbook...