Monday, 7 April 2008

"Digital" has become a trendy buzzword, redolent of the computer - the icon of our age"

"Digital" has become a trendy buzzword, redolent of the computer - the icon of our age. Calling anything digital implies praise and precision , event though the meaning of the term is rarely understood"

Hans Fantel, 'Digital TV: Clear Outlines, Sharp Detail, True Colour', The New York Times, 10 MArch 1983, p.30.

The above quote is relevant to the entire BA Digital Media Course and my dissertation. Does digital really imply praise and precision?

You would assume that with new digital technologies it is easier to be precise due to certain tools available (for example selecting areas of an image is easier due the magnetic lasso tool in Photoshop).

My dissertation looks into various technological improvements over the years in cinema up to the present. It is interesting to see how new digital technologies aid the precision of cinema production, you only have to look at groundbreaking CGI Effects in films like Sin City which prove perfection and precision in cinema.

Comments please..............

1 comment:

Zachary Colbert said...

It all depends on what you are perfecting, or making more precise - if you are referring to the realism in Sin City, then i dont agree, because its not aesthetically realistic due of all the green screen work. But if youre talking about the striking colour contrast then yeh the cgi affects are perfecting the piece.
Digitalisation in films must be contextualised, and thought of from both the director and the audiences perspective